Blog Party#30: Veggie-Friendly

Happy 2008, everyone! The new year has begun, and I'm sure the last thing you want to think about is your next blogging event.
Yeah...about that...
It's a new month and a new theme. Like many other events, I'm promoting a somewhat healthier approach this time around, but for entirely different reasons.
Almost selfish reasons, in fact.
For our 30th Blog Party, I want to be able to do more than just 'ooh' and 'aah' over your amazing appetizers: I want to try them all! And with most of our parties, that simply isn't possible. Why? Because I'm a vegetarian, and many of your dishes aren't. That's ok; I love them anyway. I just don't get to eat them.
But this time around, I want to sample each and every one of your fabulous bite-sized offerings. This month, we're taking Blog Party in a Veggie-Friendly direction.
What do I mean by Veggie-Friendly? Lots of vegetables, lots of fruit. No meat.
It's not as difficult as you think! Dairy and eggs are welcome, chicken broth and gelatin aren't.
This is your chance to play with your veggies, mix up your fruits. Leave the beef and chicken behind for one night, and see what incredible Veggie-Friendly wonders await!
This is still Blog Party, so of course the usual, but very simple, rules apply. To join, you must make a minimum of one...each...appetizer and cocktail/mocktail. A bite and sip, that's the basic requirement. For a Blog Party primer/refresher course, click here.
To get on the guest list, either email your entry to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com, or leave your URL in the comments section of any post. Early is always good!
Last day to RSVP is Thursday, 17 January. Full party write-up comes Saturday the 19th. Hope to see you there.
So, see what looks good in the produce section, raid your gardens and orchards (should you be so lucky to have them and live somewhere spring has sprung), and get friendly with your veggies!
Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blog Party + Events + Appetizers + Cocktails + Canapes + Parties + Finger Food + Mocktails + Vegetarian + Blogging + Vegetables + Fruit
8 Thoughts for food:
OOH! I am in! I grew up in a vegetarian household and while I am not one myself, my cooking tends to lend itself to eating that way.
See, you don't have to be a veg to cook & eat it!
Can't wait to see what you bring to the party!
You're such a meat friendly vegetarian, sometimes I forget you are one... I'll see what I can do about this round.
Brilynn; I've always said being a vegetarian was my choice: no one else should have it forced upon them.
So, sure...I cook whatever Matt or other guests like. I don't eat it, and so long as they don't start badgering me about eating (or not) eating meat, we're all good.
It'd just be nice to sample all the dishes this time, instead of imagining how good they are!!
Hi, first time here. Love the idea of veggie finger-food. Will try & make it to your blog-party! Cheers Deeba
Well, yay!
I really hope you can be here!
Hello Stephanie
I would love to participate in your Blog Party. Here is a link to my submission on my blog:
Eager to see what everyone else submits. Thank your for organizing this fun event!
Got it Lisarene...thanks!
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