Blog Party#12: Passport Party

This is it. Blog Party#12. A whole year of mixed drinks and party plates loaded up with the most appetizing nibblers.
A year of fun and crazy themes, and a year of making new friends.
Blog Party, this quirky little event born of my love for hors d'eourves, is celebrating it's first anniversary!!
And since, traditionally, important anniversaries are celebrated with parties, how could I not turn this month's Blog Party into a celebration?!?
Let's face it; Blog Party is a 'little' event. It doesn't get the recognition of an IMBB?, or a SHF. Not even the clout of the equally off-beat EoMEoTE.
Each month's party averages about a dozen guests, which, if you think about it, is the perfect size for a cocktail party.
I like to think of our get-together's as the 'indie' event in the food blogging community. And like a true, independent, film, Blog Party guests are the most interesting group of people I could ever hope to share a platter of crostini with!
I 'do' this, host a food event, not only because I adore appetizers, and any excuse to make and serve them, but because I love meeting you.
Blog Party, in addition to serving as the hot spot for a pretty cool recipe swap, is all about you; the 'guest'.
Blog Party has never been about competition; rather, it's a chance to 'meet' people who are very much like you: those crazy people who are so passionate about food, about cooking, that they take time out of their hectic schedules to take pictures of their meals. Then they write about them!
Blog Party is a gathering place for those of us who just want to take a break from our busy lives, enjoy the kind of food we wouldn't normally make time for, and get to know a few people who get it. Who understand why garden-fresh produce makes you giddy. Who understand why your spice cupboard is so full, or why there's a stack of cookbooks beside your bedside table.
Most of all, I love getting to know you.
With each and every Blog Party, I discover a new food blog. And from this, a new friend.
Friends from all over the world!
Blog Party guests have come from just about every part of the world: Singapore, Denmark, Canada, France, Germany, England, Australia, Malaysia, Philippines, Angola, and all over the United States.
Clearly; Blog Party is Global.
So, to celebrate not only the first anniversary of Blog Party, but the many wonderful people who've joined in all these months, the Party is going Global, too.
For July, we're having a Passport Party!
This month, we're traveling...virtually, of course.
Think about the places you've been, countries you've visited. Or, a country you're hoping to get to.
Create at least one appetizer and drink inspired by your favorite place, or places.
Whether you're a seasoned traveler, or just dreaming about the day you'll finally set foot on foreign soil, you can bring those far-away lands into your home with food.
If you've never left the borders of your own country, that's ok! Everyone has a 'dream''s a chance to sample those foods, without the expensive plane ticket.
Where do you want to go? Where have you been? Think about the food, remember the wonderful meals and drinks you've experienced during your travels.
Recreate them at home, in appetizer form, of course, and let's see how many stamps we get in our passports!
If this is your first time to Blog Party, or if it's been awhile, you'll want to read the following:

Blog Party is a virtual cocktail party for food bloggers. It's a chance to make those little bites and fantastic drinks we all love, but never make. Blog Party is about taking time for us: setting aside some time to cook (which, clearly, we all love), to prepare appetizers we want to eat but never get around to. And best of all, it's about getting together, albeit via the Web, with like-minded friends.
You can read up on the inner-workings of Blog Party, as well as read up on a whole year's worth of parties, here.
Now, for the 'rules'.
What, in my opinion, qualifies as cocktail food:
- Finger foods: anything that can be picked up, carried around and eaten with one hand...the use of the second hand as crumb catcher is perfectly acceptable
- Dippers: vegetables, crackers, bread, chips, breadsticks and any inventive foods which are used for scooping or spreading dips and uh...spreads
- Miniature meals: by this, I mean a normal-sized dish, cut or displayed as individual servings. A quiche, cut into small enough pieces to be eaten in less than four bites would be accepted.
All you have to do is make AT LEAST ONE appetizer AND cocktail; take some photos, and write about it. It's pretty easy, really.
So, dust off those suitcases, catch up on your vaccinations, and get ready to travel; because we're having a Passport Party!
Post your dishes no later than Thursday, 20 July...early is always good...and get your links to me either by posting in the comments, or by emailing me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. I'll post the party round-up Saturday, the 22nd, and I hope to see you there!
Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blog Party + Events + Appetizers + Cocktails + Travel + Passports + Anniversary + Blogging
7 Thoughts for food:
Wow! I can't believe it's been a year already-Congrats!
Hi Becky...thanks!
I know, I can't believe it, either. Who knew it would last?
I love an event when a passport is involved!
I'll see you at the party!
Anni :-)
Yay! I'll be watching for you...
I emailed you too. But just in case you don't get it here is my website. Please add me to the party.
Peabody...thanks! I got both. I'm a little out-of-touch, what with recovering from our trip, but I'll be ready by Saturday night. And thanks so much for joining!
Hi, Stephanie! Here's my passport entry! Congrats on a successful year!
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