IMBB#20---Frozen Chocolate Souffles with Warm Raspberry Sauce

It's IMBB time...and this month, it's all about souffles.
Hosted by Kitchen Chick, I expect all kinds of interesting souffles from this event.
I confess, I'm not a big fan of souffles. I just feel it's an awful lot of work for what? in the end.
But hey; I'll make them. Especially if we're having company.
No guests this time, but I found a recipe on the Food & Wine site (you have to be a subscriber or news stand buyer to access the site, so if you want the recipe, just let me know), and liked the idea of a frozen souffle. Worth a try.
Chocolate melted by hot cream, with raspberry liqueur added.
Eggs, egg yolks, sugar, vanilla and more liqueur mixed together, cooked over simmering water while beating with an electric mixer; remove from heat and continue beating until cooled.
Beat more cream, till soft peaks form.
Fold the egg mixture into the chocolate, then fold the cream in till no streaks remain.
Spoon into already-frozen ramekins, and freeze at least three hours.
Serve a warm raspberry sauce on the side.
Smooth, light, good chocolate taste, with the raspberry emerging as almost an afterthought. Very, very nice.
IMBB # 20 + Souffle
12 Thoughts for food:
It's funny; as we were eating my cheesy pea souffle last night, my bf made the same observation: "you know, I'm just not convinced. It seems a lot of work for something that's just a bit....airy. And which might not even rise, so makes you all stressed. I reckon you could get the same flavours and textures with some easier technique".
I agree with his thinking, but I'd like to see him try souffle texture with some other method!
Well, of course it's going to taste good with all that cream! I'm betting that the warm raspberry sauce would be my favorite part, though.
Niki...he's clearly a wise man!
Seriously; I wish there were easier ways to get 'light and fluffly' without all the careful folding and whatnot, but there really isn't.
Oh, well...
Oh my god, Nic; the original recipe was for ten souffles. I cut it in half, and still used about two cups of cream, four eggs, two egg yolks! Egads.
Normally, I send my baked goods/sweets over to my in-laws. But my MIL has already had heart surgery...this might be too great a temptation!
The sauce smells fantastic, too...
Looks like a combination of a chocolate souffle and a mousse. Sounds great to me. And it's fun to discover a blog I hadn't seen yet!
Oh, sounds tempting!
Thanks, Brett!
It is very mousse-like, in fact. And although I only had a small bite, I did taste divine.
As a vegetarian, I obviously don't eat sardines...but as a kid who idolized her grandfather, sardines on saltines was a special treat!
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Thanks, Zarah-Maria!
It's really rather simple to make, so do give it a shot!
I love the combination of the chocolate and the raspberry sauce, sounds heavenly.
Thanks, boo!
I wish you could come over and help me finish them off...
Oh wow. The perfect pairing of choc and raspberries, forzen for when the need strikes! I love it!
Thanks, chronicler!
I tend to stay away from desserts like this, mainly because I seem to have lost most of my sweet tooth over the past few years (I'd much rather have a bag of chips!), but even I couldn't deny how amazing (ingly light) this was.
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