Dispensing Happiness

A good cook is like a sorceress who dispenses happiness.-Elsa Schiapirelli

That's me, the magical good cook.

Borrowing from my friend Dexygus, I've created my own food blog.

Read of my exploits in the kitchen! Salivate over the descriptions of fabulous desserts and savory meals I've concocted!

No, seriously...go ahead. It'll make my day.

Friday, August 23, 2024

If Sparkles Had A Scent


Triple Vanilla Scones


I feel sorry for anyone who thinks vanilla is boring.


Vanilla is glorious!

It adds layers, brings out flavors...it's magic.

I won't promise that these scones will grant you powers or wishes, but they are tasty.  They do require some planning ahead (AND FREEZER SPACE), but served with a cup of tea (Barry's Irish Breakfast, thank you very much), they are a decidedly non-boring treat. There's even a little surprise inside!

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